We perform a wide range of financial modeling activities such as building discounted cash flow (DCF) models, LBO models, and other types of financial models.
We use a wide range of valuation methods such as comparable company analysis, precedent transactions, and DCF analysis.
We build pitchbooks Building and PPT presentations from scratch to pitch ideas to prospective clients.
Preparing documents such as a confidential information, confidential information memorandum (CIM), investment teaser, term sheet, confidentiality agreement, building a data room.
We work with our clients to successfully close the transaction.
We constantly meet with prospective investors and corporates to pitch them ideas, offer them support in their work, and provide value-added advice.
Being a major factor in the negotiation tactics between buyers and sellers in a transaction helping our clients maximize value creation.
Investment Banking work requires a lot of financial modeling and valuation.
Whether for capital raising or M&A activities.
That work requires our core skills